Note Taking
Note-Taking Accommodation Overview
Note-taking accommodations are not a replacement for class attendance.
Note-taking accommodations helps remove barriers to learning by augmenting student note-taking skills and ensuring access to information presented in class. Follow the instructions on this page to set up your note taking accommodation.
Are you a notetaker or are interested in becoming one? Learn more.
How to Become a DAC Peer Notetaker
1. There must be a need for a peer notetaker in the class that you are in to become a peer notetaker
- This can be from a peer in your class asking you to be their notetaker or a professor notifying you that there is a need for a notetaker in the class that you are in
2. Once the need for a notetaker has been identified and you would like to be a notetaker please reach out to the DAC notetaking inbox ( and state the class subject, class number, CRN, and the name of the instructor for each class that you would like to be a notetaker for
- For example, “I would like to be a notetaker for ESCI (class subject) 340 (class number) CRN: 40602 taught by Professor Sam Kastner (instructor name)”
3. Once you have reached out to the DAC notetaking inbox with the specific classes you would like to be a notetaker for, if there is a need for a notetaker in your class there will be a series of emails that we will send you as you progress through the process of becoming an official peer notetaker
- Please note that all notetaking positions and are on a first come first serve basis
1. How many hours can I log a week?
a. It is university policy that you cannot exceed more than 19 hours a week if you work as a student employee
b. As a notetaker you will only be paid for the hours that you are in class taking notes. You are only allowed to log 5 hours a week per each class that you are a notetaker for
2. How do I log late hours?
a. Late hours are hours that you are logging that are originally from a past date that are not on your current timesheet. To log late hours please refer to the Entering Late Hours document that was attached to the email with the confirmation of your notetaking position.
3. How do I know that I have been assigned as a notetaker?
a. As stated above you will be sent a series of emails as you progress through the process of becoming a notetaker for the first time. You will know that you have been officially linked as a notetaker for your classes by looking in two places.
i. Your DAC notetaker portal will show you the classes that you entered CRNs for and the status should change from not assigned to assigned.
ii. The last email that you will receive when you have completed the process of becoming a new notetaker will be a confirmation email of your position. Your confirmation email will have a subject line that states “You
have been electronically linked as the notetaker in XXX (class subject) ### (class number).
iii. When you have verified that you have been assigned in your DAC portal and you have received your confirmation email then you have been officially assigned as a notetaker for your class.
4. Why haven’t I been assigned as a notetaker when I have already entered in my CRNs in my DAC Portal?
a. There can be many reasons why we have not officially linked you to a class as a notetaker
i. We do not get notifications when peer notetakers enter in their CRNs to their DAC portal. When you have been prompted to enter in your CRNs please reach out to the inbox and inform us that you have entered your CRNs so we can officially link you as the notetaker for you class
1. This also applies to previous notetakers. If you have been a previous notetaker within the past year, please enter in your CRNs to your DAC portal and notify the DAC testing center that you have entered in your CRNs.
2. If you have been a notetaker over a year ago, please reach out to the DAC testing center to inform us that you have been a notetaker over a year ago and we can help you with the process of becoming a notetaker again.
ii. All notetaking positions are on a first come first serve basis so we might have already assigned a notetaker to your class.
5. When can I start being paid?
a. You will only be compensated for the hours you have worked since the completion date of your I-9 form. The completion date of your I-9 form can be found in the email with the confirmation of your notetaking position.
6. Do I still need to go to HR if I have worked at Western before?
a. If you know that you already have an active I-9 form on file since you have worked another job on campus you will not need to go to HR and fill out another I-9 form.
b. Please note that if you worked as a food server on campus that you technically do not have an I-9 on file with Western as you only have an I-9 form with Chartwell (previously Aramark) and you will still need to go to HR and fill out a new I-9 form