
Alternative Text comes in several different formats. Our office has a license for all WWU students to use the program Read and Write. It offers multiple functions such as reading the text aloud and highlighting right on the device. Most alternative formats students receive will be compatible with this program. It’s important to note that due to copyright laws, the student must purchase their textbooks and let us know when that’s done before we can release the alternate version to them. Depending on the disability, it may be helpful for the student to purchase the book in paper format so that they can follow along as the software program reads to them.

Receiving alternative formats of texts may take several days to a few weeks. If you are in need of an alternative format, be sure to submit your requests as soon as you can. Even if you don't know what texts are going to be used in your class, you can contact our office and we may be able to assist you.

How To Request Alternative Text

  1. Log in to MyDAC with Username and Password.
  2. Request accommodations for each course.
  3. On the left hand side of MyDAC under “My Accommodations”, click “Alternative Formats”.
  4. Make sure you are on the correct quarter for the requested book on the Yellow Bar at the top of the screen. Adjust using “Next Term” as needed.
  5. Add books under Additional Book or Reading Material. Provide Class, Title, ISBN, Author, and Edition (as much info as available).
  6. If any articles are assigned throughout the quarter or for class related research, please email them to drsalttext@wwu.edu.
  7. If you have any questions or are enrolling in a class that is not listed on MyDAC, contact the AT Specialist at 360-650-3083 or drsalttext@wwu.edu.