Accommodation Reconsideration

Accommodation Reconsideration


The Disability Access Center (DAC) is dedicated to ensuring every student has equitable access to education. As a federally funded public institution, accommodations approved by the DAC align with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Fair Housing Act (FHA), and relevant state laws. These laws ensure disabled students have equal access to education, protect their rights, and establish institutions' responsibilities in providing reasonable accommodations. As such, to maintain legal compliance, accommodation requests that fall outside these legal standards' scope may be denied. 

When that happens, students can ask for a reconsideration of the decision by following the steps outlined below.

Important for Students:

Students should continue to meet the regular course or program requirements during the reconsideration process. Following DAC process, alternative accommodations or temporary measures might also be explored during this time. If accommodations are denied and the student has not completed the course requirements, their grade or ability to pass the course may be negatively impacted.

Important for Faculty

This process is only for students who want to request reconsideration after their accommodation request is denied. Faculty or staff concerned about how an accommodation may affect a course or program are encouraged to review the Fundamental Alteration Process outlined by the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance.

Any student who requires an accommodation to participate in the Disability Access Center’s Reconsideration process may request that accommodation by contacting DAC for assistance. The contact information for the DAC is listed at the bottom of this document. 

Step 1: Initial Accommodation Request and Evaluation

  1. Submit Your Request: Students submit a request for accommodations to the DAC and provide any needed documentation about their disability.
  2. Evaluation: The DAC will review the request based on the information provided, the student’s disability, and the course or program requirements.
  3. Decision: The DAC will inform the student of their decision via their WWU email. If the request is denied, the DAC will explain why and provide directions to submit a reconsideration request.

Step 2: Request for Reconsideration

If a student disagrees with the decision denying an accommodation, they can request reconsideration by providing more information or explaining why the accommodation is needed.

The request must be emailed to 

Students should address the following:

  • Which accommodation(s) they want reconsidered.
  • How their disability affects them in the course or program.
  • Any new healthcare documentation that supports their request.
  • Why the accommodation is needed to address their current challenges at WWU.
  • Why alternative accommodations offered by the university are not enough to provide equal access (having received an accommodation from a previous institution or in the K-12 system is not a sufficient basis).

Step 3: Review Process

The DAC Director, or their designee, will review the request and may:

  • Talk with the student’s professors about course requirements.
  • Consult any medical providers (with permission) or review legal and regulatory requirements like the ADA.
  • Meet with the student to better understand their situation.

Final Determination

Once the requisite information has been gathered, the Director or their designee will provide a final decision within 5 business days, which will be sent in writing to the student’s WWU email. If the accommodation is still denied, the student will receive an explanation.

If the accommodation is granted through the reconsideration process, then it will be given moving forward. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Additional Information

  • Confidentiality: All information gathered about a student’s disability is private.
  • Non-Retaliation: Retaliation against students who request accommodations or appeal the denial of an accommodation is prohibited.
  • Non-Discrimination: While this decision is final, if a student feels they are experiencing discrimination based on disability they have the right to request an investigation through the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance (CRTC).
  • Interactive Process: Students have the right to reengage in this reconsideration process (Step 2) at any time by providing the Director or their designee with new relevant information that was not previously available. 

We are here to support you in your educational journey. Let us know if you have any questions or need help.


Disability Access Center
Wilson Library 170 

Phone: 360.650.3083

Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance

Old Main 126

Phone: 360-650-3307